
07480 410773

Wednesdays: 10 am- 12 noon and 2pm- 4pm
Our Helpline Service

Our website offers comprehensive information on Long Covid. If you find yourself needing emotional support to discuss your feelings or experiences related to Long Covid, please don't hesitate to reach out. When you call us, you'll speak directly with someone who will listen to your situation or inquiry Based on your needs, we can either direct you to relevant information or services in your local area, or we can take contact details and connect you with a member of our emotional support team, who will call you back within few hours, ensuring care, confidentiality, and compassion.
Our support advisors are volunteers who either have lived experience of Long Covid or are advocates for Long Covid and the Covid Cautious community.
While we do not offer medical advice or emergency services, our Emotional Support Volunteers provide impartial, non-judgmental support.
They focus on listening to your situation and understanding your needs.
We're here to listen and provide the relevant information and support to
help you on your journey with Long Covid. Should you feel you need emergency or medical assistance, please call 111 or 999.
Our helpline runs on a 2-hour shift schedule, with morning and afternoon slots available on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Additionally, we host a patient-led community space on Facebook where you can receive emotional support, advice, and guidance more promptly from fellow sufferers, while your waiting for our emotional support team to contact you.
Please follow us on all our social media platforms and explore our website for valuable information and support to help you navigate life with Long Covid. ​